The WATTS studytour is organised by a committee formed by seven members of e.t.s.v. Thor

From left to right: Michalis Spyrou, Ica Spit, Finn van Lieshout, Thom Copier, Pavlos Paraschoudis, Yun Oudekerk and Martijn Oude Ophuis.

Yun Oudekerk – Chairman

Yun is a bachelor student in Electrical Engineering, has been a dedicated member of Thor since her first year, taking the initiative to organize numerous events. As the current chairman, she is eager to improve her leadership skills and ensure the success of this upcoming trip.

Ica Spit – Secretary

Ica is a bachelor student in Electrical Engineering. They have been an active member of Thor since their second year. By joining Thor, they have learned how to organise activities for fellow students. Ica likes to travel and learn about new cultures, which urged them to join ReisCo. Ica has the role of secretary. In the ReisCo, they hope to learn how to organise well structured activities at a large scale.

Thom Copier – Treasurer

Thom is a fourth year bachelor student in Electrical Engineering and has been a very active member of Thor since his second year. At many committees, he has been the treasurer before. The committees he has been a part off include the Introduction Committee and the financial audit Committee. Next to this, he has experience on the technical side too, as he was a part of a student team for three years, even leading the entire electrical department. Now as the treasurer of the ReisCo, he hopes to learn a lot about new cultures during the trip and organize this trip the best way possible!

Finn van Lieshout – General member

Finn is a bachelor student in Electrical Engineering and a part of the 67th board of e.t.s.v. Thor. Next to his studies Finn likes to enrich his student time by learning valuable skills like managing an association and organizing fun yet educative activities. This is also the reason that he joined the ReisCo. Finn is secondary treasurer and responsible for the logistics during the trip. He hopes to learn a lot about the new cultures and the technical industry sector of south east Asia.

Michalis Spyrou – General member

Michalis is an Electrical Engineering student and an active member of Thor, with past experience in several activity and educational committees. With vast interest in the technological prosperity and culture of South East Asia, he decided to join ReisCo and offer his services and knowledge. Michalis is responsible for the sponsorships that support financially the study trip and the pre-liminary excursions.

Martijn Oude Ophuis - General member

Martijn is an Electrical Engineering student and an active member of Thor, with past experience in several committees. Being interested in the technical industry sector in South East Asia, he decided to join the committee with the intention of developing group management and network skills. Martijn is responsible for the business cases that support the study trip, and the formal publications to participants and partners.

Pavlos Paraschoudis – General member

Pavlos is an Electrical Engineering student from Greece. He is part of several committees within Thor and has past experience with organizing events for fellow students. His interest in both Korean and Taiwanese culture persuaded him to join ReisCo and make an effort for a well organized and well balanced student trip. Pavlos is responsible for organizing the students’ excursions to companies, universities, and various cultural landmarks.

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