• What is WATTS?

WATTS is the name of a study trip headed to South Korea and Japan, organized by the study association Thor of Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology.

  • What is Thor?

The e.t.s.v. Thor is the study association of the department of Electrical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. It is the study association for students from Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technology. Thor was founded in 1957, in the same year as the university itself. Thor organizes activities that bring students in direct contact with the engineering industry. By organizing and taking part in these activities, students are able to get a broader view of the fields known as Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technology. Examples of these activities include symposia, corporate excursions and guest lectures. In addition to that, Thor regularly organizes study tours to give the students an insight into the international Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technolgoy industry. There was a study tour planned for 2020 to China, the study tour Shenlong, but this was cancelled because of corona measures. The most recent study tour was the study tour SPARK, which went to Russia and South-Korea in 2017. Earlier study tours include Prosperando to Brazil in 2014 and Satori to Japan in 2011. Other study tours have had destinations such as Scandinavia, the Czech Republic and South Africa.

  • What does WATTS mean?

WATTS stands for Wondrous Asian Trip of Technology and Science of course fits great with our department of Electrical Engineering.

  • When will this study tour take place?

The study tour will take place in July and August 2025. The precise dates aren’t yet known due to rescheduling of the study tour

  • Who will participate in the study tour WATTS?

The study tour WATTS is meant for members of the study association Thor, so Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technology Bachelor and Master students. All participants are at least second year Bachelor students. The group will consist of 30 students, of whom 8 are in the organizing committee, and 2 employees from the department of Electrical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology.

  • How can my company be part of the Study Tour WATTS?

You can support us either by becoming a sponsor or by providing us with a case study. To help fund our project, we let participants work on case studies provided by companies before the tour takes place. In addition to that, we are looking for companies that will receive us on a technical excursion in Japan. For more information about sponsor options, please contact us

  • My question is not answered here. What can I do?

You can always send an e-mail with your question to reisco25@thor.edu or look at the contact us page for more contact information. We will try to answer as soon as we can.

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